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Compiling K-Mindmap is a hassle!
To compile the software first get the CGAL computational geometry library ( Download version 2.1! To make things easy install it in the directory /opt/CGAL-2.1 . After installing and compiling CGAL, you have to patch a header file that causes trouble. To do this, just search for the IEEE_754_unions.h file in the CGAL directory tree and replace it with the IEEE_754_unions.h I provide in the sources package.
Then download the sources of K-Mindmap from ; and unpack them issuing (in a shell window):
tar xvzf <filename>
Now there are two ways to proceed:
1: You can run ./configure in the K-Mindmap source directory; but you have to tell it where the CGAL library is located on your system, and some additional compiler options. I unfortunately have no idea how to do this; If you find a way mail me (eike at
2: You can use K-Develop to compile the app (this is what I do). Click on the kmindmap.kdevprj project file. Open the project options dialog and select compiler options. Now enter the following additional options:
-ftemplate-depth-30 -I/opt/CGAL-2.1/include -I/opt/CGAL-2.1/include/CGAL/config/i586_Linux-2.2.10_g++-2.95.2
my machine it looks like that.
Now choose the linker options. Enter the following additional libraries:
linker options. Don't get confused by the libblitz, you don't need it
(It could maybe become a replacement for CGAL).
On your machine you must replace the directory /opt/CGAL-2.1 with the directory where your copy of CGAL is installed!
Click on the OK button and watch autoconf generate your makefiles; then remake the whole project. If all goes well, you can finally run the kmindmap application.
This text is, like the software it describes, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. You can redistribute and/or modify it as long as the resulting product will be distributed under the terms of the same license.